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Pumpkin is a vegetable widely consumed in Brazil and grown in different regions of the country. The objective of this study was to evaluate relationship between phisycochemical characteristics and sensorial profile of hybrids of cabotiá pumpkin. The pumpkins were grown in the Instituto Federal Goiano–Campus Iporá. The samples were coded as VA which is the pumpkin variety (VA 01, VA 02, VA 03), VM which is the moranga variety (VM 01), HC which is the cabotiá hybrid (HC 02, HC 03 and HC12) and TET to commercial hybrid Tetsukabuto; and were analyzed the physicochemical characteristics as total titratable acidity, pH, soluble solids, carotenoid content, cooking time, color and texture. The sensorial characteristics was evaluated applying descriptive test, affective tests of ordering by preference of the fresh and cooked pumpkin and purchase intention. In consideration of the total soluble solids content, the samples VA02 and TET obtained the highest contents, not significantly different. The VA02 and TET pumpkin in the sensory evaluation pointing better scores for sweetness to VA02. Therefore, the higher soluble solids contents in the samples provided sweetness characteristics which could be perceived by the panelists. Associating of the descriptive test with preference test showed that pumpkins with more orange color were more preferred by the sensory panel. Although the samples did not differ significantly, the highest hardness indicated by the panelists was presented by sample HC02 (4.8) which was twice as large as the TET (2.42). The HC02 sample also presented higher texture value using the texturometer (0.51N). The sensory profile and phisycochemical characteristics is an important tool for the production of hybrids and the crossing of genetic varieties of pumpkins, a growing field of research that can result in a higher productivity and quality of this vegetable.