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The study aimed to produce cupuaçu films using cast-tape drying (CTD) to obtain edible films. Formulations: pure pulp (F1) and pulp with 0.5 g glycerol and 1 g citric acid, along with different amounts of guar gum of 0.10 g (F2) and 0.25 g (F3). These formulations (moisture of 1.7±1 g/g d.b.) were spread (2 mm) onto the heated support (98 ºC), and the films were characterized. The drying time was 12 minutes (final moisture below 0.09 g/g d. b.) and water activity of the films below 0.54. The guar gum resulted in thicker films (0.19-0.20 mm) due to its thickening effect. The a* and b* values indicating a tendency towards red (+a* = 9.1-11.9) and yellow colorations (+b* = 39.6 - 44.4), typical of cupuaçu pulp. The films exhibited statistically equivalent vitamin C values (34 mg/100 g - F1 and F2), and significantly lower (32 mg/100 g) for F3. The CTD operates at moderate temperatures and for a short duration, which allows for the preservation of color and vitamin C. The permeability was lower than 5,01,2x107 g h-1m -1 Pa-1, indicating a good capacity to restrict the passage of water vapor. The rupture tension (0.13 MPa) and rupture strain (6.27%) of F1 indicating inferior mechanical properties e the elasticity modulus (3.6 MPa/%) suggesting greater rigidity. The maximum rupture force supported by the film (F3) was higher (0.41 MPa). As for rupture strain, it was greater in films containing guar gum indicating greater resistance to stretching before rupture, and good elongation capacity, suggesting more flexible and malleable films. The production of cupuaçu films by CTD is technologically viable and fast due to high drying rates. It is suggested that these films could be used as food coatings, primary packaging, or even as edible snacks, due vitamin C content.

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  • 1 Department of Food Technology / Food Engineering / Federal University of Sergipe
  • 2 Department of Food Technology / Food Engineering / Federal University of Sergipe
Eixo Temático
  • Formulação e Processamento de Alimentos (FP)
Drying time; vitamin C; Elasticity modulus