Paper submission rules

Presentation format

The XX IOSTE XX IOSTE International Symposium will admit three types of paper presentations, for both in-person and virtual modality: Symposium; Poster session and Single oral presentation. For each of them, contributions can be empirical studies or theoretical/ Non-empirical studies. All proposals must be original that have not been published or presented at any other conference.

Symposium: This presentation format enables to jointly illuminate a topic from multiple perspectives, providing a coherent set of projects for discussion. Each symposium will be organized by a chairperson and will contain 3 - 5 presentations concerning a common topic of interest as well as one symposium discussant. The symposium is scheduled for 90-minute sessions, of which the final 30 minutes are to be moderated by the discussant to open up for an in-depth discussion of the projects presented.

The symposium chairperson is in charge of submitting:

a) presentation of the whole symposium: title, short abstract (150 words at maximum) and a synopsis for the whole symposium (500 words at maximum, excluding references)

b) the abstracts and extended summaries of the included individual presentations making up the symposium (see single oral presentations for instruction)

c) names and affiliation of all participants in the symposium, including chairperson and discussant. Symposia that involve scholars from multiple countries are encouraged.

Poster session: Proposals should consist of a short Abstract (150 words at maximum) and a long abstract (500 words at maximum, excluding references) without an extended summary. Please, download the template for the abstract proposal. During 90 minutes, the posters will be exhibited in an open room in the local area of the event. Participants will be able to circulate among the posters and discuss it directly with the authors.

Single oral presentations: Proposals should consist of a short abstract (150 words at maximum) and an extended summary (1500 words at maximum, excluding references). Please, download the template for the single oral presentation proposal. Each participant will present their papers in 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes for discussion with the audience, totalizing 20 minutes each presentation.

Please note that at least one author of the accepted proposal must be registered at the conference to present it. All accepted and presented papers will be published in the XX IOSTE International Symposium proceedings.

Review process

All proposals submitted to XX IOSTE International Symposium go through a blinded and peer-reviewed process. Proposals should not contain any information that could identify who authors are or where they work. Authors are required to remove any identifiers in the proposal. For self-citations use “Author, 2021”.

The blinded peer review process will follow the rubric and criteria presented in this document. After the reviewing, there are three possible decisions accepted, minor review, and not accepted. Authors are required to submit the final version of their proposals.

Each participant registered for the conference can submit up to two proposals as first author and participate as co-author up to four contributions. At least one of the authors must be registered in the conference