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Health must be understood broadly where other integrated strategic actors, build a network favorable to their development and their social conditions. The Academia Carioca Program implemented in 2009 by the Municipal Health Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro as Health Promotion strategy by offering regular physical activity guided by physical education professional integrated at Primary Care Units, reinforces that map the public partners and private allows you to perform more effective and transformative plural actions. Objective: Pointing to the importance of a network of partners in the expansion of the health territory from the intersectionality. Method: Analysis of the effects of the joints in the territory and the population of the bond of relationship with the Family Health Strategy in the health region AP 4.0 by means of the monitoring instruments. Results and Conclusion: The actions taken after the situational diagnosis promoted an increase of 18.8% in the number of people who spontaneously joined in the Academia Carioca Program and who have registered at the Health Unit. Noteworthy is also the growth of the formed Partner Network, currently, by 17 employees. Building a network proposed by the working process of Academia Carioca Program shown to have contributed to the increase in the potential of intersectoral Primary Care Units. In this scenario, the integration of actors constitutes health promotion as it democratizes information and decentralizes power, favoring autonomy on best practices that strengthen the links, community life and belonging relationship with the municipal public health service in the territories Family Health.