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1. Introduction: This paper aims to discuss about the intersectoral relationship of CREAS Prof. Aldaíza Sposati, 8th CDS with the Office in the CAP 5.1 Street, specifying the powers of these services, with the different audiences that are in street situation as well as the work developed with their families, from the perspective of strengthening linkages and strengthening the protective function of the same. 2 - Methodology: Interventions unfold through social approach in incidence of people from places in the streets; case studies involving both teams and other actors of the social assistance network that will contribute to overcoming the socially vulnerable individuals / families meet. There is the design strategy "Street Chat" under the lines of a conversation wheel with breakfast, from the year 2015, which envisages closer applicant's target audience of the services provided. 3 - Conclusion: The CREAS / CNAR partnership has provided a positive experience, enabling progress regarding the integration of social welfare and health policy, which has been adding knowledge and broadening the perspectives of assisting the population in the streets and their families, when identified. Sees in these interventions grasp the needs and capabilities of users, in order to strengthen their autonomy and overcome the vulnerable conditions, contributing in many cases to family and / or community reintegration.