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The pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) of wheat can increase the nutritional value of whole grains include, higher digestibility of proteins and carbohydrates, and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds (PC). During digestion, only a part of the PC is absorbed, the remaining fraction is available for modulation of the microbiota and/or for metabolization in the colon, with the production of phenolic metabolites of lower molecular weight that are associated with the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of germination on the production SCFA of different Brazilian wheat cultivars during the simulation of in vitro colonic fermentation. Tabbouleh of the wheat cultivars BRS Marcante and BRS Guaraim non-germinated and germinated for 72 h simulating PHS (MNS and GNS; MS and GS, respectively) was digested simulating the salivary, gastric, and small intestine, according INGOGEST 2.0. The insoluble phase obtained after intestinal digestion was incubated in simulation static of colonic fermentation with human intestinal microbiota from the ascending colon in anaerobiosis at 37 °C. The supernatant was used for analysis of SCFA by HPLC. Succinate production differed from 0 h to 48 h during fermentation for MS, MNS and GS (2.37, 2.20 and 3.25 μM, respectively). Lactate production increased significantly at 24 h in MNS and MS (89.19 vs. 41.49 μM) and GNS for GS (106.43 vs. 6.24 μM), and only GNS maintained a high lactate concentration (117.56 μM) for up to 48 h (p<0.05). MS and GS were able to produce acetate in 24h (p<0.05) and MNS and MS had greater production in 48h (14.48 and 13.32 μM, respectively). Butyric acid did not show a cultivar or germination effects and was produced in small amounts only in 48h. Germination influenced positively and longer incubation times imply production of larger amounts of SCFA.
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