Teaching electrochemistry in high school through an experiment with an approach of simultaneous equilibria of oxidation-reduction and complexation

2021 - 141267
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The literature points to the students' difficulty in learning various concepts of electrochemistry, related to galvanic, electrolytic and concentration cells, which may be the result of the teaching process itself and/or the textbooks1-4. There are authors who argue that, in order to understand chemical systems, it is important that students have the opportunity to make connections between the macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic representational levels5. Experimental activities allow students to observe chemical reactions at the macroscopic level5. The use of experimental kits aims to contribute to a more efficient teaching of electrochemistry, to overcome the difficulties and misunderstandings associated with the teaching-learning process of this topic6. Aiming to contribute to the teaching of electrochemistry and chemical equilibrium in basic education, this work proposes the assembly and use of an experimental kit, made with low-cost and easily accessible materials, which can be used as a didactic tool to enhance the teaching-learning process. The inspiration for making the experimental kit came from question number 6 from the 2019 entrance exam of the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), available in http://poliedroresolve.sistemapoliedro.com.br/#/resolucao/IME/2019/526, which involves concepts of electrochemistry and chemical equilibrium. The use of the kit, besides allowing the evidence of the complexation reaction due the strong blue related to the formation of the complex ion [Cu(NH3)4]2+ culminated in the determination of its formation constant, Kf, whose obtained value (2,1x1013) was of the same order of magnitude of the value calculated by the IME question (4,0x1013) and also presents concordance with the value of the literature (2,1x1013)7. This work possibilities the contextualizing of chemical knowledge, making it socially relevant. The proposed experimental activity can contribute to overcoming alternative and misconceptions presented by high school students about various concepts of electrochemistry8. Given the students' difficulties, due to the importance of electrochemistry for scientific and technological development, it is relevant to seek alternative methods to facilitate their teaching and understanding, relating chemical phenomena to the student's daily life9. The experimental kit presented can enable basic education teachers to use a diversified, innovative didactic strategy, which is efficient in student learning, going beyond exclusively expository classes, which can also contribute to increasing their conceptual mastery of electrochemistry.

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  • 1 Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Eixo Temático
  • Ensino de Química - EDU
equilibrium constant