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Cobalt and phosphine oxides: A successful partnership
Fábio Godoy Delolo
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Cobalt Ferrites: structure and photoactivity.In the presence of phosphine oxides, cobalt-based catalysts can act beneficially in hydroformylation reactions of olefins and epoxides, reductive etherification, expansion and opening of oxetane rings. These transformations take place under mild conditions compared to traditional processes. The presence of phosphine oxides dramatically improves the pre-activation of the cobalt precatalyst, saving time and energy. The developed system proved to be efficient in the synthesis of aldehydes, 1,3-diols, unsymmetrical ethers, oxetanes and alcohols. Particularly in the hydroformylation of olefins and epoxides, as well as the synthesis of unsymmetrical ethers, a wide range of products have been successfully prepared, including substrates containing diverse functional groups. Although in some cases one of the components in the synthesis gas (mixture of CO and H2) is not incorporated into the substrate, its role in the formation and stabilization of catalytically active species was evidenced by control experiments. In addition, anisole, a solvent with a high degree of sustainability, can be used to advantage in such processes matching efficiency and sustainability.
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