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Log inThe Carbon Atmospheric Tracer Research to Improve Numerical schemes and Evaluation (CATRINE) project aims to evaluate and improve the numerical schemes for tracer transport in the new Copernicus anthropogenic CO2 emissions Monitoring and Verification Support capacity (CO2MVS) and more widely in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). The main objectives of CATRINE are to improve the methods used to represent resolved tracer transport by the winds, with a particular focus on mass conservation, and to identify other systematic errors associated with unresolved processes represented by parametrizations. The project will define protocols for evaluating tracer transport models at both global and local scales. Test beds based on field campaign case studies will be developed, along with suitable metrics for tracer transport evaluation, utilising a range of tracers and observations at both global and local scales. These metrics will be employed in the operational CO2MVS to evaluate the implementation of new transport model developments, characterise transport accuracy and representativity in data assimilation, and provide a quality control stamp of tracer transport accuracy.
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