Netnography: methodics in pandemic Covid-19 from a human digital ecosystem of physicians.

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Introduction: The global social disruption generated by the Covid-19 pandemic produced an immeasurable hecatomb in society. Especially in the health system; even when the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization developed Biosafety actions for health workers exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Inquiring into this occupational reality of physicians was improbable, since Venezuela followed social confinement as a preventive mechanism to pre-serve the health of the population; this context placed physicians at a crossroads between epidemiological chaos, social uncertainty and inhospitable conditions of safety, hygiene and health at work; Therefore, the research in confinement, was proposed to migrate from a face-to-face methodology to the digital environment, with the purpose of reflecting on the meanings and transcendence that physicians attributed to medical praxis and working conditions in the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: The study was developed in the digital ecosystem where physi-cians from different specialties participated in challenging heuristic processes that shaped the netnographic methodology. This methodology merged the hybridiza-tion of offline and online society as a socio-health continuum, unveiling phenom-ena and complexities. Results: The netnographic methodology was guided by a research focused on concrete problems; the methodological procedure and the findings are exposed as a life line, the categories and subcategories represent pal-pitating traces of online sociability, product of an ecosophical hermeneutics of dimensions: guild, medical praxis, social, safety - hygiene - occupational and psychosocial health. Conclusion: This study paradigmatically legitimizes the suitability of netnography in contributing to the construction of scientific knowledge in occupational safety, hygiene and health.

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  • 1 Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina del Trabajo y Salud Ocupacional (SOVEMETSO). Médico Cirujano. Postgrados en Medicina Familiar, Medicina Ocupacional, Gerencia en Salud, MSc. en Educación, Doctora en Gerencia- Venezuela
  • 2 Universidad de Montemorelos (UM). Docente Investigador. Doctor en Gerencia. Director del Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación FACED. Dirección de Investigación y Posgrado DPI- México
  • 3 Universidad de Montemorelos (UM). Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)- Departamento de Orientación y Desarrollo - Venezuela. Docente Investigador. Magister en Educación -México
  • 4 Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto. Docente investigadora. Doctora en Ciencias mención Investigación-Venezuela
  • 3. Qualitative Research in Social Science
netnography; covid-19 pandemic; medical praxis