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Abstract: The use of aromatic plants in food confers besides flavor and aroma bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensory characteristics of pepperoni sausages added with oregano and basil extracts as antioxidant. Four pepperoni sausage formulations were prepared with the following extract concentrations: F1 (0.05% oregano; 0.05% basil), F2 (0.1% oregano; 0.1% basil), F3 (0.075% oregano; 0.075% basil) and F4 (control, without extracts). The formulations were analyzed to microbiological evaluation. The 9-point hedonic scale acceptance test was applied for the attributes: overall appearance, color, flavor, aroma and texture (approved by the institution's Ethics Committee). The test was conducted with 103 participants. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey’s test. The pepperoni sausages presented microbiological standards in accordance with the Brazilian’s legislation. For the attributes of color and overall appearance the sausages did not present difference statically. F4 formulation differed (p<0.05) from F2 for aroma, F2 and F3 for flavor and F2 and F1 for texture. The average values found varied between slightly liked and moderately liked, indicating some acceptance for the evaluated formulations. The F4 formulation presented better scores for aroma, flavor and texture, indicating that the concentration of the extracts interfered in the sensory evaluation of the attributes. F1 formulation presented the means closest to the control (F4) for aroma and flavor, although it did not differ from F2 and F3. The moderate acceptance of the evaluated formulations is probably due to the presence of residual flavor of the applied extracts, indicating adjustments in their concentrations for improved acceptance. F1 pepperoni sausage (0.05% oregano and 0.05% basil) was more widely accepted, demonstrating that natural antioxidants at these concentrations may be an alternative for potential use in the food industry in place of synthetic antioxidants.

  • 1 Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos / Centro de Ciências Agrárias / Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • 2 Câmpus Francisco Beltrão / Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Eixo Temático
  • 1. Ciências sensoriais e perfil do consumidor (CS)
meat product