Vulnerabilidade e integridade de padrões de uso e cobertura da terra na Área de Endemismo Tapajós entre 2004 a 2012.
This paper analyzes the transition process of land use and land cover classes in the Tapajós area of endemism (AE) from 2004 to 2012. Using data from mapping carried out by the TerraClass project, and based on transition matrices, vulnerability, land usage and coverage were estimated. From the detailed transition matrix, we calculated net changes, gains, losses, persistence and, we can identify the vulnerability and the integrity of these classes. The Forest class was most sensitive to the changes and most fragile and susceptible to transitions. The Secondary Vegetation class presented high values of net persistence and the Class of Annual Agriculture presented high persistence. The Pasture class presented high susceptibility to loss of area to other classes. The Forest class of Tapajós AE was the most vulnerable to loss, change of use and coverage, with negative net persistence of 0.05. Secondary vegetation was characterized as a stable and growing class, with great potential for stabilization and permanence. Despite suffering from migration processes, Secondary Vegetation presented a positive growth of 1.63%, indicating the presence of successional sites and signs of recovery of deforested areas. The Annual Agriculture presented significant gains, mainly from the pasture areas, with 1.43% persistence, being configured as the class of greater integrity and tendency to extend its area. The conversion to pasture has been one of the main elements associated with deforestation in the region. The Pasture class was also considered a vulnerable class to the processes of change, reaching 0.15% of persistence.