Validação dos dados TerraClass para o município de Paragominas
This work aims to evaluate the TerraClass mapping for the year 2014, in the municipality of Paragominas, State of Pará. The validation was made by comparing the mapping with the observations found in the field. Images of the Satétile Landsat-8, OLI sensor of the year 2014, path/row 222/062, 222/063, 223/062 and 223/063 were used to aid in the field. Using this data it was possible to analyze the main representative classes in the area, including agriculture, urban area, forest, clean pasture, dirty pasture, reforestation, regeneration with pasture and secondary vegetation. The secondary vegetation presented 2,198.16 km², clean pasture with 3,332.29 km², agriculture with 896.75 km² and the forest occupying 54.21% of the total area of Paragominas. The overall concordance index was 86%, corroborating the reliability of the mapping performed. The average error was 6% and the total value of discordance was of 14%. Concerning the secondary vegetation, pasture, agriculture, urban area and forest classes, they presented concordance higher to 50%, while regeneration with pasture and reforestation presented greater intensity of omission with 40,57% and 76,31% respectively. Inclusion errors were less than 40% for the secondary vegetation, pasture regeneration, clean pasture and dirty pasture classes. The field work was essential to validate and analyze the accuracy of the 2014 TerraClass Project for the studied region, which becomes important for the understanding of the dynamics of land use.