Monitoramento de incêndios utilizando imagens Landsat 8: Um estudo de caso para o estado do Tocantins

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Remote Sensing is a powerful tool for environmental monitoring because it allows continuous data collection of an area and/or phenomenon identification. Remote Sensing has been used for land use and land cover monitoring, deforestation, crop forecast, weather forecast, reservoirs monitoring, and others. Another application is fire monitoring. As a demonstration of this application, this work addresses the monitoring of fire via the use of Landsat 8 satellite images. It is presented a case of fire in the State of Tocantins, Brazil, in 2014. It was possible to follow fire evolution in a period of 16 days, the Landsat 8 satellite’s temporal resolution. On the first date the fire had 2km of diameter and increased until around 10km of diameter on the second date. Over the pixels identified as fire a characterization and analysis was built using the spectral response according to the bands of Landsat 8 sensors.