Determinação da prova material referente à retirada de madeira na Reserva Extrativista “Verde Para Sempre” utilizando índices de vegetação NDVI de imagens RapidEye

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Geotechnology has been widespread in criminal environmental expertise, just because of its contribution to identify irregularities in the environment and detection of the conditions in which the vegetation is. Sensor systems have offered, for quite a while, numerous possibilities for conducting environmental expertise, concerning mapping and monitoring the surface of the forest ecosystems, especially the Amazonian one. Its advanced techniques may provide relevant information, such as helping diagnosis of illegal wood removal in Conservation Unities, as it occurs in Extractive Reserves that, even regulated by protective laws which aim to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources, are affected by human intervention in which lumbermen and farmers exploit the natural resources in a predatory way, affecting lives of the traditional extractive populations. This way, the article’s objective was to show the use of “Normalized Difference Vegetation Index”, from the process of “RapidEye” satellite bands, in environmental expertise field, in order to determinate changes in the forest cover after logging in a stretch of Extractive Reserve “Verde Para Sempre” (“Forever Green”). With this study, it was possible to identify the modification in anthropic forest vegetation, in which the vegetation index “NDVI” of “RapidEye” images showed as satisfactory to conclude the different targets of interest for expertise performance.