The XXI Brazilian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (SBQT) celebrates 40 years of existence of the largest meeting of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry in Brazil and takes place, for the first time, completely virtual.
Despite this new format, the tradition was maintained and this edition has a widely diversified program, contemplating the different lines of research existing in the country. The event has 586 participants, distributed among undergraduate students (28%), Graduate students (41%) and Professors/Researchers (31%) and the presentation of 366 works distributed among 23 thematic axes. These numbers demonstrate the vigor of the Theoretical Chemistry and Atomic and Molecular Physics community in Brazil.
Our meeting continues to be a unique opportunity to promote, disseminate, create collaborations and share knowledge and the latest advances in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry in Brazil, in addition to contributing to a closer relationship with experimental chemistry. The event's program includes lectures and oral communications by Brazilian and foreign speakers and presentation of works in the form of a panel. The symposium will also have a roundtable to discuss the advances and challenges of artificial intelligence and quantum computing in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, as well as a commemorative session of the 40th anniversary of the Brazilian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry.
We wish you all an excellent Symposium!
Organizing committee
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