The crew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration

Vol 53, 2021 - 139683
Prêmio de tese de doutorado
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The crew scheduling and routing problem consists of determining the best route and schedule of multiple crews to repair damaged nodes in a network affected by extreme events. The problem also involves the design of paths to connect a depot to demand nodes that become accessible only after the damaged nodes in these paths are repaired. The objective is to minimize the total time that demand nodes remain inaccessible from the depot. This paper summarizes the main contrubutions related to mathematical models and solution methods developed to solve the CSRP in the thesis ``The crew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration''. The proposed methods were the first exact methods able to provide valid lower bounds and optimality gaps for all the benchmark instances of the problem. In addition, the thesis presents new extensions considering more realistic characteristics of the problem and uncertainty.

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  • 1 Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • 2 University of Edinburgh
  • 3 Polytechnique Montréal
Eixo Temático
  • 14 - OC – Otimização Combinatória
Decomposition methods
Road restoration
Robust Optimization