Análise termoquímica, energia de decomposição e NBO de complexos de zinco contendo ligantes xantatos

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  • Tipo de apresentação: e-Pôster
  • Eixo temático: Química Inorgânica - INO
  • Palavras chaves: zinc; Xanthates; NBO; EDA;
  • 1 Universidade Federal Fluminense

Análise termoquímica, energia de decomposição e NBO de complexos de zinco contendo ligantes xantatos

Daniella Brito de Miranda

Universidade Federal Fluminense


Xanthates are compounds of great interest in coordination chemistry due to the presence of the OS2 group in their structure, which establishes different forms of coordination with the metallic center. In addition, this class has applicability in the biological, environmental and technological areas. In this work, thermochemical, NBO and EDA analyzes of zinc complexes C1-C4 with propyl (L1), butyl (L2), amyl (L3) and 2-ethoxyethylxanthates (L4) were performed. The density functional theory through the M06L method was used associated with the base functions 6-311++ G ** for the atoms of S, C, O and H and LANL2TZ with pseudopotential for zinc. The thermochemistry was analyzed for the zinc complexes from the first and second substitution of water molecules by the xanthate ligands. Furthermore, the complexes were analyzed in their bidentate form and also for their cis/trans isomerism. It is possible to observe an increase in stability, which is proportional to the increase in the chain from L1 to L3. This trend can be explained by the better neutralization of the metal’s dicathionic charge through the increase in the electron density in the sulfur atom, from the carbon chain donor atoms. Besides, the M-S bond occurs through density donation from the sulfur p character orbital and density reception by the zinc s orbital. The data obtained in this study confirm that xanthate complexes can have different coordination spheres. The complexes trans-C1-C4 have M-L bond predominantly ionic.

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Daniella Brito de Miranda

Olá Shirley, boa tarde! Muito obrigada! Sim, nós escolhemos os íons de zinco afim de avaliar o comportamento destes sistemas através da teoria de Pearson. Além disso, a escolha do zinco se deu devido a um interesse de comparar a natureza ácido-base dos complexos de zinco com os complexos dos íons de cádmio e mercúrio. Desta forma, seria possível verificar a teoria através do estudo da família. Já quanto a contextualização, a motivação se deu por trabalhos encontrados na literatura que abordam o uso dos xantatos como coletores para remoção de metais, como o zinco, de ambientes aquosos. 

Agradeço sua pergunta!



Daniella Brito de Miranda

Olá Gabriel, muito obrigada pelo seu comentário e elogios. Muito interessante seu trabalho também! Parabéns! Abraços