
All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the internet at

Instructions for submitting the abstract are available on the website. After the deadline, it will not be possible to submit abstracts.


Abstract format

Abstracts must be written in English. Space limitations allow a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces, and punctuation). Total keystrokes, title  and authors and their affiliations should not include. The system will automatically reject abstracts that are too long. The author submitting the abstract is responsible for its content and the quality of the preparation. Individual program committees have the responsibility of accepting or rejecting abstracts. There is no limit on the number of abstracts an individual may submit.


Because the restricted length of the abstract objective sentences with exact wording must be used to ensure clarity. An abstract should include objective(s), methods, main results, and conclusion (implication).

The objectives might be clearly and concisely stated.

Pertinent material and methods (e.g., samples, experimental design, methodologies, data analysis, etc).

Main results must be concisely presented with statistical evidences to allow interpretation of the data.

Conclusion/implication clearly stated.


An abstract will be considered unacceptable when:

- it contains various grammatical and typing errors,

- it presents data with inappropriate statistical analyses or measurements of data variability;

- it does not present clear objectives and conclusion;

-  it fails in meeting the guidelines.


Guidelines for oral presentations

Individual program committee chairs also have the prerogative of placing abstract submitted for oral presentation.

Oral presentations will be 10 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes of questions and discussion. Oral presentations and the slides must be prepared in English. It is recommended font size of at least 24. The content of presentation must include: (a) Background, justifying the importance of the subject and ending with the objective; (b) Methodology, with the description of how was the research developed; (c) Results and discussion, with the main results and a brief discussion; (d) Conclusions/Implication


Guidelines for posters presentations

Poster must be prepared in English, 90 cm width and 120 cm height. The guidelines are provided at conference homepage.