Longevity has been a significant achievement of humanity in recent times. Advances in medicine, better living conditions, access to food and drinking water, as well as greater awareness about health care, have helped people live longer. However, it is important to mention that longevity also presents challenges and demands that require in-depth studies and multi-professional approaches, in addition to the implementation of appropriate policies and services to meet the needs of the elderly population.
São Judas Tadeu University (USJT) has generated knowledge and educational interventions in response to the needs of the elderly population. Several projects of the interdisciplinary Aging Sciences Program have been developed within three lines: diseases associated with aging; health and functionality in aging and educational, psychological and sociocultural aspects of aging.
The purpose of this congress will be to bring together experts, researchers, health professionals and other interested parties to discuss and share knowledge about human aging. Promote the exchange of scientific and practical information related to aging, covering a wide range of topics, such as health care, quality of life, public policies, psychological and social aspects, among others.
During the congress, participants have the opportunity to present and discuss recent research, discoveries and innovations in the field of aging, allowing knowledge to be updated and experiences to be exchanged among professionals.
These events are important for the advancement of science and the development of strategies and policies that promote healthy and quality aging in Brazil. They are also opportunities to strengthen collaboration networks between researchers, health professionals and institutions, aiming to improve care and services aimed at the elderly population.
The congress provides a conducive environment for updating knowledge, allowing participants to have access to the most recent research, scientific discoveries and best practices related to aging. This helps keep professionals up to date with advances in their respective areas of expertise.
The interdisciplinary environment allows for an exchange of knowledge between different specialties, promoting a more comprehensive and integrated understanding of aging, as well as providing valuable opportunities to establish professional contacts, create relationship networks and promote collaborations. Participants have the chance to interact with renowned experts, co-workers and students, sharing experiences, ideas and perspectives. These connections can lead to research partnerships, joint projects, and career opportunities.
Presentation of work and feedback: The congress will provide the opportunity to present research or studies carried out, which allows participants to share their work with the scientific community and receive valuable feedback from experts in the field. This helps to improve research and the professional development of participants.
Inspiration, innovation and creativity. Exposure to new ideas, approaches and perspectives can encourage participants to think creatively, explore new areas of research and develop innovative solutions to aging-related challenges.
Awareness and advocacy: Scientific congresses on aging play an important role in raising awareness about issues related to the elderly, such as public policies, rights, health, care and quality of life. These events can encourage advocacy for a more elderly-centered approach and contribute to promoting positive changes in policies and practices related to aging.
Scientific event for professionals, researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students from different areas of knowledge and activity who are interested in and study aging.
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