The Organizing Committee of the International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CIFARP) is proud to announce its 12th edition that will be held in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, from 6 to 9 November 2019.
The 12th CIFARP Focused Meeting on “Expanding the Frontiers of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Rethinking the Outcomes”, will cover a wide range of critically important sessions. Our focus is on challenges of sciences and sustainable technologies, which we believe are foundational to the success of individual organizations as well as our cities, states, nations and world.
This Conference aims to serve as a platform for interaction among renowned scientists from academia and industry to discuss the latest developments in the pharmaceutical area. We are expecting approximately 1000 Brazilian and foreign participants, including researchers, professionals from the health area and from the pharmaceutical and related companies, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. In this context, we look forward to welcoming you in Ribeirão Preto and receiving you according to the traditional Brazilian hospitality.
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