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Soil quality is associated with the management adopted in the different production systems with animal food l and vegetal origin. The objective of this study was to analyze the chemical properties on the soil in different farming systems, whether integrated or not. The experiment was organized on a randomized block with three replications and six treatments: Crop System (CS), Livestock System (LS) and four Crop Livestock Integrated Systems (CLI-1, CLI-2, CLI-3, CLI-4). The soil samples were performed at the beginning and end of the experiment. Significant differences in phosphorus level as well as over the soil pH between system can be explained by way of seeding. For the other chemical properties there was no significant difference between the systems. There was an increase in the concentrations of nutrients in 0-10 cm compared in layer depth of 10-20 cm. However, the organic matter soil did not vary depending on the depths. Seeding consortium in integrated systems interfere with the soil fertility. Throughout the experiment it was observed increase in phosphorus levels (P), organic matter (OM), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and CTC, probably as a result of the no-tillage and management of soil in the systems.
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