It is a great pleasure to announce the 15th Edition of SLACAN, the Latin American Symposium on Food Science and Nutrition, which will have this new name from 2023 onwards, when the 28th anniversary of its creation is celebrated, with an undeniable impact on the development of the Food sector in Brazil and Latin America throughout its existence.
At the present time, the main concern is the evolution of Food Science towards the production of increasingly healthy and sustainable foods, which in fact can have a strong impact on health, social and economic development.
The great current problem of humanity in several countries is precisely the fight against hunger and social inequality. This fight against hunger also involves the development of new technologies that allow better use of food with less waste, and that make food processing more economically viable without losing quality in terms of its composition and nutrients.
This is a special moment that we are living in the interrelation between several areas of knowledge such as nutrition, medicine, food engineering and technology, biology, pharmacy, among others. In this regard, it can be inferred that this interaction is a necessary condition for a holistic understanding of the impact of food on modern society.
We look forward to seeing you all, hoping that you will join this larger discussion that we will have, as it is the first face-to-face SLACAN after the pandemic.
We miss the presence of colleagues, students, the industrial sector. We hope to see you again in the 15th edition!
Big hug!
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