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Camila Sant'Anna Monteiro
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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CANJICA: A PÉROLA BRANCAThe olive pomace is rich in polyphenols and dietary fiber, but its high lignin content prevents its application in food. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of granulometric fractionation and micronization of the olive pomace submitted to in vitro colonic fermentation with human feces as it helps to reduce lignin content and increase soluble fiber, which contributes to the production of short-chain fatty acids (SFCA) and intestinal homeostasis. This pomace was fractionated with a sieve to obtain a fraction < 2 mm (F2NM), and after, micronized in a planetary ball mill at 300 rpm/5h (F2MTL). About 0,25 g of the digested sample was fermented with 25 mL of fecal inoculum (pool of fresh feces from 4 donors) at 37 °C for 0, 2, 8, 24, and 48h. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0,05). The pH of the fermentation medium was 7,28 and remained unchanged during 48h, but the addition of F2NM and F2MTL significantly changed the pH over time (7,2 in 0h versus 6,9 in 48h, p<0,05). The production of SFCA was higher in fermentations with addition of F2NM (353,3 and 383,4 mM SFCA/100 mL broth in 24h and 48h) and F2MTL (370,8 and 381,3 mM SFCA /100 mL broth in 24h and 48h) when compared to no-sample control (260,1 and 308,9 mM SFCA/100 mL broth in 24h and 48h). F2NM and F2MTL favored the production of acetate in 24h (211 and 215 mM SFCA/100 mL), butyrate in 24h (36,9 and 38,98 mM SFCA/100 mL), propionate in 24h (63,5 and 67,1 mM SFCA/100 ml), and 48h (68,7 and 68,5 mM SFCA/100 ml) (p<0,05). Fractionation and micronization methods can be used to add value to olive pomace with application in food that improves intestinal health.
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