What is best way to soak and cook cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) sago?

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  • Tipo de presentación: Pôster
  • Eje temático: Ciencia de los alimentos y nutrición
  • Palabras clave: cassava; Cooking conversion factor; starch;
  • 1 Food and Nutrition Graduate Program, Nutritional Biochemistry Core, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO, Pasteur Av. 296 - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
  • 2 Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • 3 Food and Laboratory of Functional Foods, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO, Pasteur Av. 296-Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

What is best way to soak and cook cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) sago?

Anna Carolina Alves Gomes da Silva e Silva

Food and Nutrition Graduate Program, Nutritional Biochemistry Core, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO, Pasteur Av. 296 - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Tapioca pearl or cassava sago is a type of product with spherical shape, white color, and high cooking conversion factor (CCF), which promotes great yield when cooked in liquids. Even if there are typical sago recipes in Brazil, there is a lack of studies regarding its pre-cooking and cooking characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cassava sago regarding its size, soaking and cooking behavior. Three Brazilian brands of tapioca pearls (Cx, Ys and Y) where evaluated, and the experiments were conducted in triplicate. Diameter of dry and soaked pearls was measured with pachymeter (mm) and used to obtain the mean diameter (mm) and % of diameter increase. Soaking occurred for 5 hours, and the water absorption was calculated by weighing the soaked samples, every hour, and comparing them to their dry weighs. The CCF was obtained by comparing the cooked and dry weights (4g) of unsoaked sago and sago soaked for 1 hour, and the cooking time was also evaluated. The Y product had the higher mean diameter when dry (4,2+0,26mm) and soaked (6,2+0,48mm after 5 hours). The Ys product presented the lower diameter (2,4+0,63mm dry and 3,9+0,46mm soaked) although it showed the highest % of diameter increase (66% after 5 hours). Soaking for 1 hour preserved the round shape of the pearls and doubled the weight of the samples. The major CCF for unsoaked sago was observed in Cx (2,83) followed by Ys (2,77) and Y (2,04), but the major CCF for soaked pearls was Cx (2,73), Y (2,37) and Ys (2,37). Soaked pearls had lower cooking time (6 minutes) in comparison dry pearls (10 minutes). Understanding the final size of the pearls helps to choose the ideal product to be applied in recipes. Besides, soaking for 1 hour helps to reduce the cooking time.

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Anna Carolina Alves Gomes da Silva e Silva

Olá, Marina! 

Obrigada por ter se interessado e ainda mais por ter contribuído com o debate.

No caso das pérolas de sagus foi utilizado o paquímetro na amostragem de 10 pérolas por triplicata, lembrando que antes foram descartados os sagus com rupturas ou moldes não-esféricos.

Para essa etapa do trabalho não nos foi pensado usar uma granulometria por conta dos sagus serem geralmente maiores do que o conjunto de malhas padrão dos granulômetros.

Ainda mais depois de hidratados, já que expandem e para agravar, o amido gera uma película úmida.

Mas é uma ótima sugestão.a se pensar futuramente!

Espero que possa comer e dar uma chance aos sagus.