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Parauapebas is a municipality in Southern Pará where there are much burning,especially related to favourable meteorological conditions, availability of vegetationfuel and existence of an ignition source. This paper aims to present the spatialdistribution of the burnings around highways in Parauapebas, using tools of spatialanalysis of software ArcGis 10.1, Qgis 2.6 and data generated through the ProArcoProject in the 2005/2015 period. The results of study highlighted that highways withmore frequency of burnings between 2005 and 2015 were: PA-160, PA-275 and BR-158, mainly in the first 500 meters along these highways, because there are higherdynamics agriculture production than elsewhere in municipality. Moreover, 2005 wasthe year with higher frequency of burnings than another year, respectively 20.8% of all.These results show that the geotechnologies are essential techiniques to determine,validate and understand the spatial distribution of burnings, aiding significatively theimplementation of burn prevention strategies by government.