The organizers of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing (SBSR) are honoured with your attendance at the Florianópolis Convention Center - CentroSul, Florianópolis, SC (Brazil), from April, 2nd to 5th, 2023. The Technical Program has been devised to guide the choices of the Sessions of your interest and to make your experience more efficient and productive. The organizers of the XX SBSR are also offering an application for mobile phone and tablet to help you customize your own program. Please, check our website at and find out more on how to download it. We are glad to announce that there are now 872 papers distributed in Oral Technical Sessions (192) and Poster presentations (680). In addition to paper oriented talks, there are 141 invited talks distributed along 27 Thematic Sessions and three Special Sessions, aimed at bringing the lastest advances in this area of knowledge to the Brazilian and international scientific community.
The SBSR is structured around seven presentation rooms distributed as follows:
Special Sessions: talks centred on international issues relevant to a wide spectrum of users in Brazil such as remote sensing missions, ecosystem degradation and data cubes.
Thematic Sessions: designed to host invited presentations with both Brazilian and international scientists sharing their views and their latest results on cutting-edge science. Presentations are expected to cover a wide range of issues of interest to the scientific community, pointing to new directions helping to gauge innovative research in Brazil and its international insertion.
Oral Technical Sessions and Poster Sessions: dedicated to the dissemination of the best research being carried out in Brazil. The contents are mostly concentrated on more mature scientific results that are presented for discussion with the community.
Courses: there are 10 courses ministered by Brazilian and international teachers, spanning a wide range of subjects, including data processing of SAR and drones, Google Earth Engine and modeling with neural networks. These courses will tackle some of the issues discussed during the Special and Technical Sessions, offering a unique opportunity for students to get exposed to contents at the centre of the international research.
The XX SBSR has also invited 20 foreign scientists from renowned institutions around the world.
It is important to highlight the significant role played by private and institutional partners in financially supporting the XX SBSR, as technical exhibitors, sponsors and official funding agencies. This support is in the heart of the scientific independence, the capacity of investing in a high-level and diverse scientific program and delivering an exciting and productive networking environment for all participants.
Therefore, with a focus in delivering high quality services to the remote sensing community, we are looking forward to seeing you all at the XX SBSR.
Douglas Francisco Marcolino Gherardi
Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão
Ieda Del’Arco Sanches
General Coordination
National Institute for Space Research - INPE
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