Interface Earth Engine Apps aplicado ao monitoramento de projetos de restauração florestal

Vol 20, 2023. - 156535
Anais / Proceedings XX SBSR
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Brazil needs to restore 12 million hectares of forests by
2030. The progress of forest restoration projects can be
divided into categories of (1) Implementation, (2)
Operational and (3) Monitoring. During the 3 phases of the
process is necessary the monitoring, disclosure with
transparency and reporting of restoration projects. This
work aims to provide a quick and easy to access way to
monitor areas where the project is implemented at any stage
via Earth Engine Applications. The results are the
availability of 4 interface links with information for
monitoring and tracking of restoration interest.

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  • 1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
  • 2 Cemaden (Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais)
Eixo Temático
  • 41. Sustentabilidade e Meio Ambiente
Earth Engine Apps
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