Socio-economic analysis of the administrative regions of the city of Vitória/ES using graph signal processing

Vol 52, 2020 - 128784
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The capital of Espírito Santo, Vitória is one of the best capitals to live in Brazil. However, the regions that comprise the city are afflicted by social inequality. This paper aims to build a mapping of this social inequality by association of the administrative regions of the city. For this purpose, we collected many variables related to public or private investments, so that we can identify characteristics related to crime or lack thereof. The mapping is built employing the graph signal process theory, where nodes represent administrative regions and edges are established based on the three closest neighbors considering improvements. For visual analysis, colors are assigned to the nodes in correspondence to the graph signal. We can observe that vulnerable regions are similar to each other, however regions with high purchasing power have their peculiarities. Regions with fewer improvements have a higher number of homicides, but improvements do not necessarily define the number of drug seizures.

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  • 1 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • 2 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, DMAT.
Eixo Temático
  • 19. TAG – Teoria e Algoritmos em Grafos
Graph Signal