Chemical Fingerprint by LC-HRMS Investigating Extracts of Qualea grandiflora Mart. with Antiplasmodial Activity

vol. 1, 2019 - 111653
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Qualea grandiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae), known as “pau-terra” or “pau-terra-do-cerrado”, is a medicinal plant, which the tea of stem bark and leaves are used against inflammatory diseases and gastrointestinal disorders.1 Qualea species have been reported with antiulcerogenic, antibacterial and antiparasitic activities.2,3 In this view, our work intended to investigate the antiplasmodial activity of extracts of fruits and stems of Q. grandiflora and to perform chemical investigation since fruits were not investigated up to now. The polar extracts evaluated showed in vitro antimalarial action (IC50 values between 1.2 and 7 ng/mL). The ethanolic extract of the fruits was evaluated in vivo and after 5 days of parasitemia evaluation it was observed 100% of reduction. For chemical profile LC-HRMS was used as tool to investigate the active extracts allowing to identify 32 compounds. Among the compounds characterized in the fingerprinting of active extracts, ellagic acid (EA), which has been reported as antimalarial compound,4 it may be a clue for the antimalarial potential found in extracts.

  • 1 Regional Catalão / Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • 2 Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • 3 USP - São Carlos
  • 4 Química / Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • 5 Universidade de São Paulo
  • 2. Biological and Pharmacological Activity of Natural Products
Qualea grandiflora
Antiplasmodial Activity