Hybridization Approach for Drug Design in Anti-leishmanial Cinnamoylhydrazones

Vol. 1, 2019 - 111905
Poster only
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Parasitic diseases, specially Leishmaniasis, considered a neglected disease, has been a health problem affecting people worldwide during the last decades. This illness is responsible for a high number of deaths in underdeveloped countries. Furthermore, the medicine available has an invasive administrations and high toxicity.
In this work, the goal is to apply hybridization approach of drug design in order to synthesize cinnamoylhydrazones as bioactive molecules, a chemical class compound against parasitic MHOM/ET/67/HU3 Leishmania stain. The therapeutic potential of 12 synthesized molecules were evaluated by decreased parasitic cells activity on Leishmania donovani showing considerable response at micromolar range.
Since these compounds are based on a promisor simple scaffold, their mechanism of inhibition and pharmacophore model should be investigated. Besides that, the evaluation of toxicity against human cells is indispensable for a substantial overview of selectivity.

  • 2. Medicinal Chemistry of Synthetic Compounds
drug design