Scientific papers will be received under the following thematic axes:

1. Implementation of evidence.

2. Synthesis of Evidence.

3. Transfer of evidence.

4. Production of evidence.

The scientific papers must be submitted exclusively online, by August 31, 2017, in the form of an abstract, following criteria and standards established by the Scientific Committee.

In the case of submission to the prizes of best oral or poster communications, the papers must be submitted exclusively online, by August 31, 2017 in the form of an abstract, accompanied by the complete manuscript, following criteria and standards established by the Scientific Committee.

The scientific papers (abstracts and / or complete papers) will be selected by an Evaluation Committee.

Make sure that the presenter's e-mail is informed in the submission of the abstract; all communication will be transmitted through it. The aim is to notify the authors of the acceptance or rejection of their submission by e-mail to the presenter by 15 September.