A Modern Approach to Computational Simulation of Phase Transitions.

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A phase transition is one of the richer and beautiful phenomenon observed in nature. The transformation of ice in water and water in gas, the spontaneous magnetization of a piece of iron or the spontaneous symmetry breaking during the big bang are a few examples of phase transition. Several techniques were developed to treat phase transitions. An experimenter measures the effects in his laboratory and a theorist make the necessary approximations to provide general aspects of that specific model.
In this talk we will approach the problem from a different perspective. In fact a perspective more adequate to the XXIst Century. We will use computational techniques or to be more exact "COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATION".
Although the technique has appeared for the first time in the middle of the last century, only now it is being recognized as a new branch of the languages used to understand nature. Much of this recognition is due to the fast development of new computers (In the hexaflops nowadays) and to the development of new algorithms.
In this lecture I will give an introduction to the Monte Carlo techniques: Metropolis, Single Histograms and Wang-Landau, as well as an analysis of phase transitions using the Fisher Zeros.