About Us

CIDESPORT VI had a scientific and technical purpose and had as main objectives:

  • To promote and stimulate discussion on the performance of the port sector, from the perspective of the scientific community and the professionals working in the port management.
  • To disseminate and exploit good port sector management practices that contributes to improve port performance as of the reality of many countries.
  • To promote greater integration between the scientific community and port managers, stimulating the development of applied researches that add value to the management and performance of ports.

CIDESPORT VI‘s target audiences were:

  • Researchers and teachers who develop research and studies on port management and performance in all its dimensions;
  • Officers and port managers;
  • Technical and administrative professionals who work in the port environment and related companies;
  • PhD students, Master students and scholars in general who have an interest in management and port performance issues;
  • Officers and technicians who work in policy-making, regulatory and port activity inspection agencies.

CIDESPORT VI was conducted by the University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL), through the Administration Master Program (PPGA) in partnership with the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), through the Accounting Graduate Program – PPGC and the University of Valencia – Spain, through the Department of Accounting.

The CIDESPORT planning foresees the realization of an annual edition of the event in the city of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.


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